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Year at a Glance


Did you know... The full moon in January is called the Wolf Moon? Now you do.


February's full moon is known as the Snow Moon, related to the northern hemisphere's snowy season.


For March, try sprinkling salt on carpets to dry out muddy footprints before vacuuming. Effectiveness unknown!


The First President of the United States, George Washington, was inaugurated on April 30, 1789.


In 1873, Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis obtained a patent for pants, and today we better know them as Blue Jeans.


Do you know what occurred in June of 1885? The Statue of Liberty arrived from France as a gift to the United States of America.


It was on July 1, 1881, and the first ever international phone call was a success! Originating in the Canadian province of New Brunswick, the call was answered in Maine. Would have really been funny if the caller received the first ever international busy signal.


It was August 6, 1762, when the Earl of Sandwich found himself hungry. He ordered meat between two pieces of bread, and you know the rest...


September, the month with 9 letters to spell its name is also the 9th month of the year. How is that for worthless trivia?


Here is an interesting fact about October you may not have ever noticed. Even with leap years adding extra days, October and February always end on the same day of the week. If the last day of October is a Tuesday, it will also be a Tuesday in February. Go check if you think I'm wrong.


Ahh, November. It was in 1935 the board game Monopoly was released. Have you ever finished a full game? Or just counted your money and declared someone the winner? Me too.


And, finally we come to December. So let us know if you already knew this tidbit of info... Jingle Bells, composed way back in 1857 was really meant to be a song for Thanksgiving. The title was intended as One Horse Open Sleigh.